First of all, who are the Afghans?
Historically the Pashtun nationality has been the most dominant. The term Afghan, for example, generally is viewed by other peoples in the country to refer to the Pashtuns. The royal families of the country were Pashtun, and today the Pashtun represent about 42% of the total population. Tajiks come in second with somewhere around 30%.
Within the country there are tiny Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and Jewish communities, but the vast majority of the people are Muslims – at least 99% - and in fact many ethnic groups consider Islam to be one of the defining aspects of their ethnic identity. This is true of the Pashtun for example.
Islam was brought to
It was not until 1747 that
Ahmad was able to unify many of the different Afghan tribes, and went on to conquer considerable parts of what are today eastern
Beginning in the 1800s
Imperialists often give such trivial, and even humorous, sounding names to their interventionist schemes, but don’t be fooled into thinking that the peoples of the region experienced the consequences of these actions in a manner that they in any way would have interpreted as a game. For them the consequences were devastating. The arrival of European imperialism into the region simply accelerated, and made more even devastating, the wars, poverty and material destruction that had already been wracking the region for centuries.
During this time, on two separate occasions, British armies from
The first, which became known as the First Anglo-Afghan War, took place in 1838. Outraged by the presence of a single Russian diplomat in
This Afghan victory though would not be the end of Britain’s interventions into the country. The British mounted a punitive expedition into the country in 1842, and recapturing Kabul, setting it on fire, and then abandoning it again.
few decades later, British outrage over the uninvited arrival of another
Russian diplomatic envoy in Kabul in 1878 resulted in the Second Anglo-Afghan
War. Again the British were able to occupy all of the major cities, but unlike
the last time, the British got wind of an impending rebellion against their
occupation, and brutally crushed it in a pre-emptive move. They did
subsequently withdraw, but not before they set up a puppet ruler and forced the
country to hand over control of its foreign affairs to Britain.
Afghanistan would remain a British protectorate until 1919. Things changed in Afghanistan in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which took place in 1917. The Russian Revolution marked the first time in world history that working people had successfully seized and held onto political power. This event was a powerful inspiration to suffering people everywhere. It inspired a wave of workers’ and peasant uprisings that rippled across the globe. Central Asia was not immune to this revolutionary tidal wave. Inspired by the Russian Revolution, and the subsequent anti-imperialist struggles elsewhere, the new king of Afghanistan, Amanullah, declared his country’s full independence by singing a treaty of aid and friendship with the young Soviet Union. He followed this up with a declaration of war on Britain. What followed was the Third Anglo-Afghan War. After a brief period of border skirmishes, and the aerial bombardment of Kabul by Britain’s Royal Air Force, Britain was forced to concede Afghanistan’s independence.
Afghanistan would remain a British protectorate until 1919. Things changed in Afghanistan in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which took place in 1917. The Russian Revolution marked the first time in world history that working people had successfully seized and held onto political power. This event was a powerful inspiration to suffering people everywhere. It inspired a wave of workers’ and peasant uprisings that rippled across the globe. Central Asia was not immune to this revolutionary tidal wave. Inspired by the Russian Revolution, and the subsequent anti-imperialist struggles elsewhere, the new king of Afghanistan, Amanullah, declared his country’s full independence by singing a treaty of aid and friendship with the young Soviet Union. He followed this up with a declaration of war on Britain. What followed was the Third Anglo-Afghan War. After a brief period of border skirmishes, and the aerial bombardment of Kabul by Britain’s Royal Air Force, Britain was forced to concede Afghanistan’s independence.
the next 10 years Amanullah carried out a series of progressive, and even
radical reforms. The country received
its first constitution, a legislature was established, women were freed from
having to wear the veil, a secular, co-ed education system was instituted,
slavery and forced labor was abolished, a modern calendar, system of
measurements and taxation were instituted, and the subsidies and privileges for
tribal chiefs and the royal family were abolished.
than a little surprised and stung by this turn of events, and worried about the
precedent these progressive reforms were setting for its colonies, Britain
began conspiring with conservative religious leaders and rich land owning
elements within Afghanistan who were unhappy with Amanullah’s attempts to
secularize and reform the country. In 1929, with British support, a reactionary
uprising forced Amanullah to abdicate.
All of his reforms were quickly annulled. The country descended into
chaos, with different warlords contended for power, until a new king, Muhammad
Nadir Shah was able to seize power later that year. To give you an idea of the
type of new ruler who now sat on the throne, it’s worth pointing out that the
new king spent his first week in power looting and pillaging his own new
capital city in order to fill his own coffers.
His violent rule came to an end four years later. The son of a man that King Muhammad Nadir
Shah had executed returned the favor by assassinating the King. Muhammad Nadir Shah was then succeeded by his
son, Muhammad Zahir Shah. Zahir Shah was
to rule for the next 40 years, though as fate would have it, he would also
prove to be Afghanistan’s last king.
Zahir Shah’s reign, like that of most kings before him, was one of almost total autocratic power. The word of the king was the word of law. And while advisory councils and assemblies were sometimes called to advise the king, these bodies had no actual power, and in no way represented the people of Afghanistan. These bodies were made up of the country’s tribal elders. It should be noted that “tribal elders” is a nice sounding term that in reality referred to the brutal large landowners and patriarchs of the country. And while some history books refer to this time of Afghanistan’s history as one where attempts were made to “modernize” the country – all this really meant was newer rifles for the army, the purchase a few airplanes for a token air force, the creation of a tiny airline to shuttle the ruling elite around, and the installation of some telegraph wires to allow the king to collect this taxes more promptly. Under Muhammad Zahir Shah’s rule all political parties were outlawed, and students were shot and killed when they organized protests.
Finally, in 1973, the king was overthrown and the new “Republic of Afghanistan” was declared. But unfortunately, this in reality represented very little as far as real change for the country. For the king had simply been overthrown by his cousin, Mohammed Daoud. Afghanistan’s new self-imposed leader simply decided to title himself president instead of king.
While it is true that under Daoud, a very modest liberalization took place, meaning that some of the most draconian realities of the monarchy were rolled back, by and large things stayed the same for the vast majority of the Afghan people. Daoud was concerned with giving Afghanistan’s government more modern looking trappings to impress Western donors, but was not concerned with alleviating the grinding poverty of the working masses of the country, or challenging the power of the large landowners and the conservative elites, of which he was part of.
Daoud’s coup though did result in rising expectations on the part of the Afghan people. The ending of the monarchy led many to hope that things would change for the better. More and more idealistic young people, for example, began to organize themselves into discussion groups and underground political parties. A powerful political ferment was bubbling forth, at least in Afghanistan’s major cities, and this ferment would quickly prove too powerful for the old ruling elite to hold in check.
Zahir Shah’s reign, like that of most kings before him, was one of almost total autocratic power. The word of the king was the word of law. And while advisory councils and assemblies were sometimes called to advise the king, these bodies had no actual power, and in no way represented the people of Afghanistan. These bodies were made up of the country’s tribal elders. It should be noted that “tribal elders” is a nice sounding term that in reality referred to the brutal large landowners and patriarchs of the country. And while some history books refer to this time of Afghanistan’s history as one where attempts were made to “modernize” the country – all this really meant was newer rifles for the army, the purchase a few airplanes for a token air force, the creation of a tiny airline to shuttle the ruling elite around, and the installation of some telegraph wires to allow the king to collect this taxes more promptly. Under Muhammad Zahir Shah’s rule all political parties were outlawed, and students were shot and killed when they organized protests.
Finally, in 1973, the king was overthrown and the new “Republic of Afghanistan” was declared. But unfortunately, this in reality represented very little as far as real change for the country. For the king had simply been overthrown by his cousin, Mohammed Daoud. Afghanistan’s new self-imposed leader simply decided to title himself president instead of king.
While it is true that under Daoud, a very modest liberalization took place, meaning that some of the most draconian realities of the monarchy were rolled back, by and large things stayed the same for the vast majority of the Afghan people. Daoud was concerned with giving Afghanistan’s government more modern looking trappings to impress Western donors, but was not concerned with alleviating the grinding poverty of the working masses of the country, or challenging the power of the large landowners and the conservative elites, of which he was part of.
Daoud’s coup though did result in rising expectations on the part of the Afghan people. The ending of the monarchy led many to hope that things would change for the better. More and more idealistic young people, for example, began to organize themselves into discussion groups and underground political parties. A powerful political ferment was bubbling forth, at least in Afghanistan’s major cities, and this ferment would quickly prove too powerful for the old ruling elite to hold in check.
Daoud organized his coup, he did so with the help of a small underground party
called the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan, or the PDPA. Daoud and the PDPA had little in common
politically; Daoud was a conservative politician, while the PDPA was a
pro-Moscow communist party. The PDPA had aided and collaborated with Daoud
initially though to end the monarchy, and in exchange for certain government posts
in the new government. Daoud though quickly went back on his word - once he
felt that he had consolidated his new power and that he no longer needed these
controversial allies, he ditched them, and ordered a crack down upon the party. Dozens of PDPA activists were arrested; the
party was forced to once again go underground.
crackdown on the PDPA however ended up backfiring on him. His crackdown made the PDPA a rally point for
opposition to him. A significant number
of low-level government officials, university students, and even military
officers, joined the PDPA and began plotting for how to rid the country of
Daoud, and truly set the country on a secular, modern path.
In 1978 a prominent PDPA leader, Mir Akbar Khyber, was killed by Daoud’s government. 30,000 angry Afghans turned out for his funeral. Daoud was shocked by this outpouring of support for the murdered communist, and ordered the rounding up of all leftists. Fearing that Daoud planned to exterminate everyone on the Afghan left, elements of the PDPA within the military seized power in a coup, ousting Daoud and establishing a new government, the “Democratic Republic of Afghanistan”. This coup became known as the Saur Revolution.
In 1978 a prominent PDPA leader, Mir Akbar Khyber, was killed by Daoud’s government. 30,000 angry Afghans turned out for his funeral. Daoud was shocked by this outpouring of support for the murdered communist, and ordered the rounding up of all leftists. Fearing that Daoud planned to exterminate everyone on the Afghan left, elements of the PDPA within the military seized power in a coup, ousting Daoud and establishing a new government, the “Democratic Republic of Afghanistan”. This coup became known as the Saur Revolution.
seizing power the PDPA began a series of reforms, such as declaring, more or
less, a secular state, and that women were deserving of equal rights. They
sought to curtail the practice of purchasing brides, and tried to implement a
land reform program. But the new government quickly met with opposition from
many sections of the old conservative elites, who sought to rally deeply
religious elements of the population around their defense of the status quo. A
number of tribal elders refused to cooperate with the new government, or to
allow its reforms to be instituted in their villages. The PDPA government’s response to this
defiance was unfortunately very heavy-handed, which greatly aggravated the
situation. Soon a number of rural areas rose up in open armed rebellion against
the new secular government.
It’s necessary to point out at this time, that the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan was by no means a unified party. Almost from its inception it had been divided into two different camps – the Parcham faction and the Khalq faction. The Parcham faction (“Parcham” means “flag” or “banner”) was the more conservative of the two factions, and it advocated a more gradual path to socialism. The Khalq faction (“Khalq” means “the people”) was viewed as the more radical faction. It tended to advocate a more rapid path to socialism, and believed that it was wrong to compromise on issues such as women’s rights, and allowing any kind of formal role for Islam within the government.
It’s necessary to point out at this time, that the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan was by no means a unified party. Almost from its inception it had been divided into two different camps – the Parcham faction and the Khalq faction. The Parcham faction (“Parcham” means “flag” or “banner”) was the more conservative of the two factions, and it advocated a more gradual path to socialism. The Khalq faction (“Khalq” means “the people”) was viewed as the more radical faction. It tended to advocate a more rapid path to socialism, and believed that it was wrong to compromise on issues such as women’s rights, and allowing any kind of formal role for Islam within the government.
was the Khalq faction of the PDPA that had seized power in 1978, and that
initially ran the government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Its response to the conservative opposition
to its reforms was to execute many of the leaders of the opposition – both
conservative Islamic elements, was well as more radical Maoist groups which it
also viewed as a threat. It also
organized a drive to expel tens of thousands of opponents across the border
into Pakistan. Rather than break the
conservative Islamic opposition to its reforms though, this heavy-handed
approach seems to have only fanned the fire – and before long a full-blown
insurgency had broken out against the government.
As can be expected, the Soviet Union took a keen interest in the unfolding revolution in its neighbor, Afghanistan. Prior to the Saur Revolution, the Soviets had unsuccessfully tried to get the Khalq and Parcham factions of the PDPA to work together. When in 1978 the Khalq faction successfully overthrew Mohammed Daoud and established the Democratic Republic, the Soviet Union quickly recognized the new government, and lent assistance. It quickly became nervous though in response to what it perceived as the unnecessarily radical measures of the new government. The Soviets urged a more cautious approach, and even encouraged PDPA leaders to try and cloak themselves in an Islamic veneer – suggesting that they start publicly attending mosques and talking up the more egalitarian and progressive elements of the Koran. When this advice was ignored, the Soviets began planning for a more active and direct role in Afghanistan.
As can be expected, the Soviet Union took a keen interest in the unfolding revolution in its neighbor, Afghanistan. Prior to the Saur Revolution, the Soviets had unsuccessfully tried to get the Khalq and Parcham factions of the PDPA to work together. When in 1978 the Khalq faction successfully overthrew Mohammed Daoud and established the Democratic Republic, the Soviet Union quickly recognized the new government, and lent assistance. It quickly became nervous though in response to what it perceived as the unnecessarily radical measures of the new government. The Soviets urged a more cautious approach, and even encouraged PDPA leaders to try and cloak themselves in an Islamic veneer – suggesting that they start publicly attending mosques and talking up the more egalitarian and progressive elements of the Koran. When this advice was ignored, the Soviets began planning for a more active and direct role in Afghanistan.
1978 and
1979 saw several power struggles within the new Afghan government. While the Khalq faction initially controlled
both the government and the military, the Khalq faction itself was divided
between supporters of President Nur Mohammad Taraki and Prime Minister
Hafizullah Amin. The Soviets tended to
side with President Taraki, and together they began planning to oust Prime
Minister Amin. Amin responded by having
Taraki killed, and assuming the presidency in September 1979. Amin then set out to purge his rivals in the
PDPA, ordering at least 400 of them to be executed. The Soviets decided now was the time to
move. On December 27, 1979 Soviet
commandos descended on several key military buildings in Kabul. President Amin was executed. In his place Babrak Karmal, a leader of the
more moderate Parcham faction of the PDPA was set up as the new president. One of President Karmal’s first actions was
to invite Soviet troops into the country to aid his government’s war with the
growing Islamic insurgency. The Soviets,
with their troops already waiting at the border, moved 80,000 troops into the
country on that very day.
Soviets insisted that they were responding to the legitimate request of the
Afghan government, and claimed that it was the Afghan’s themselves who had
overthrown and executed President Amin, not Soviet commandos. History has proven that this was not the case
though, and that the Soviets did indeed impose Babrak Karmal as the new
president of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. I feel the need to point out, at this point
in the talk, that while a Marxist, neither I, nor Socialist Action, supported
the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. We
feel that it was a violation of the Afghan people’s right to self-determination
– and that regardless of how reactionary some elements of the Afghan insurgency
may have been – that does not forfeit the Afghan people’s right to determine
their own fate.
Soviet invasion was designed to save the PDPA government in Afghanistan. Their hope was that if they sent in enough
soldiers and modern weaponry, that they could crush the insurgency and create a
stable puppet government in Afghanistan, along the lines of Mongolia or East
Germany. The invasion however proved to
be a fiasco.
prior to the Soviet invasion, the anti-government insurgency had been somewhat
sporadic and isolated to certain parts of the country, it quickly grew to
become a much more formidable force.
Many Afghans, especially those in the rural countryside, viewed the
Soviets the same way they had the British, Iranians, Mongols and other various
invaders that had come before them. And
while the new Parcham faction of the PDPA, which now controlled the Afghan
government, attempted to present its government as pro-Islamic, it was largely
unsuccessful in convincing the public in this regard. Opponents of the government continued to
claim that is was an atheist puppet regime of the Soviets.
instead became the primary rallying point of the insurgency. The smaller Maoist lead insurgency was
largely wiped out by the early 1980s, having been consistently and effectively
targeted by the PDPA, the Soviets and the Islamic fundamentalists. As a result of the now thoroughly Islamic
flavor of the insurgents, they became known as the Mujahideen – holy warriors. Many became based in the growing refugee
camps located across the border in Pakistan, though some were based in the
refugee camps located within Iran, or operated out of some of the more inaccessible
mountainous regions within Afghanistan itself.
its part, the United States government initially paid little attention to the
PDPA revolution in Afghanistan; its attention was instead focused to the west,
where a popular, anti-imperialist revolution has overthrown the U.S.’s most
valuable Middle East ally, the brutal and autocratic Shah of Iran. This changed
of course once the Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan. The United States
government quickly saw in the Mujahideen an opportunity to give their Soviet
rivals a bloody nose.
Central Intelligence Agency was assigned to aid the Muhahideen with training
and weapons. The CIA’s aid was rather
modest for the first couple of years, but by the mid-1980s the U.S. was pumping
hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons into the conflict each year –
making it the largest covert operation in history. And on top of the massive U.S. military aid
to the Mujahideen - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Egypt and
the Peoples Republic of China each contributed tens of millions of dollars more
in money and weapons, along with military advisors and other aid. And it addition to money and weapons, some
reactionary Arab states even allowed hundreds of their citizens to go and join
the Mujahideen as volunteers as part of a global holy war against communism and
secularism. The young Osama bin Laden,
for example, was one of these Arab volunteers of the time.
After offensive after offensive, year after year, gradually the Soviet military became discouraged by its inability to crush the insurgency. They were able to occupy and hold all of the major cities, just at the British imperialists had been able to the century before, but they were unable to subjugate the countryside. Soviet causalities began to mount dramatically, and with the CIA’s providing the Mujahideen with advanced Stinger missiles, even their control of the air was becoming a costly affair.
Finally, in early 1989 the Soviet Union withdrew its troops, leaving the PDPA government to fend for itself. By the end of that year the Berlin Wall came down in Eastern Europe, and soon the Stalinist regimes throughout the Soviet Bloc came tumbling down. The United States then lost interest in its mercenary forces now that they had accomplished their mission of bleeding the Soviets dry. The various Mujahideen factions, who had always had maintained only a very tenuous alliance amongst themselves, turned on each other and began fighting as much with themselves as with the PDPA government.
After offensive after offensive, year after year, gradually the Soviet military became discouraged by its inability to crush the insurgency. They were able to occupy and hold all of the major cities, just at the British imperialists had been able to the century before, but they were unable to subjugate the countryside. Soviet causalities began to mount dramatically, and with the CIA’s providing the Mujahideen with advanced Stinger missiles, even their control of the air was becoming a costly affair.
Finally, in early 1989 the Soviet Union withdrew its troops, leaving the PDPA government to fend for itself. By the end of that year the Berlin Wall came down in Eastern Europe, and soon the Stalinist regimes throughout the Soviet Bloc came tumbling down. The United States then lost interest in its mercenary forces now that they had accomplished their mission of bleeding the Soviets dry. The various Mujahideen factions, who had always had maintained only a very tenuous alliance amongst themselves, turned on each other and began fighting as much with themselves as with the PDPA government.
the surprise of many, at least those who were still watching, the PDPA
government of Afghanistan did not immediately collapse with the withdrawal of
the Soviet Union. In fact it survived
for another three years. It did so by
basically adopting a strategy very similar to the one currently being carried
out by U.S. occupation forces in Iraq.
It resigned itself to basically just ruling over Afghanistan’s major
cities, where it still had some support, and was able to maintain a
professional army, women’s militias, and other forces to maintain control. It then used its ability to print money to
buy off many of the rural local warlords and armed factions to serve as
nominally pro-government militias, who were then given virtually total control
of their respective areas. This allowed
the PDPA’s military, particularly its air force, to focus all of its resources
on containing the more did-hard Mujahideen factions based out of Pakistan.
began to unravel though in 1992 as the PDPA government began to run out of money. Not possessing its own printing presses for
making currency, it had printed its money in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union dissolved on Dec. 25, 1991,
which led to the end of Afghan government’s access to Russian printing
presses. No printing presses, no money,
no money, no bribed militias. In March
of 1992, General Abdul Rashid Dostum and his Uzbek militia in the
northern part of the country, angry at no longer
being paid, switched sides and began a march towards Kabul. Several other local warlords and militias
also quickly switched sides, along with several divisions of the army and air
force made up of disaffected members of the Khalq faction of the PDPA defected
to Dostum. As a result, the PDPA
government’s whole military quickly began to collapse. On April 17, 1992, the Democratic Republic of
Afghanistan’s last president, Mohammad Najibullah, resigned and fled to the
United Nations compound in Kabul.
followed was bloody chaos. Different
Mujahideen warlords occupied different cities and regions of the country,
looting, raping, murdering their new subjects in a frenzy to enrich themselves
and to try and snuff out the secular remnants of the PDPA regime. While fighting frequently broke out between the
different factions, they did manage to briefly cobble together the semblance of
a new national government, which they called the Islamic State of Afghanistan.
Burhanuddin Rabbani, one of the major Mujahideen warlords, was made
president. Soon though, all the Rabbani
could claim to control was capital of Kabul itself. Most warlords began to pay little, if any
attention to the dictates of the new central government.
civil war broke out. The civil war
quickly took on an ethnic dimension, with many of the warlords seeking to base
their militias on their own ethnic groups, and leading them in pillaging raids
against other ethnic groups. Soon every
major ethnic group in Afghanistan, Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbecks, Hazaras,
Turkmens, Nuristanis, etc. each had at least one, if not several, armed factions
entering the fray. And while the
warlords tried to make the civil war one based on ethnic groups, in reality it
was little more than a naked grab for power and resources by different factions
of the country’s conservative elites.
The workers and peasants of the country, of all ethnic groups, ended up
paying the price.
August of 1992 even the capital city of Kabul was divided, with President
Rabbani’s forces controlling parts of it, and other parts of it controlled by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the
other prominent Mujahideen warlords. Large sections of the city were destroyed –
most of which has still not been rebuilt to this day.
the next couple of years there were several attempts by the Mujahideen warlords
to patch things up, but fighting inevitably broke again after each failed
ceasefire. Meanwhile thousands of
civilians died, the economy ground to a complete halt and women were once again
forced to wear the veil.
While the CIA, after having done such a fine job of instigating unrest and warfare in the 1980s, could care less about the aftermath, the government of Pakistan did maintain an active interest in the unfolding civil war in Afghanistan. Itself a prison house of various nationalities, the ruling class of Pakistan became worried about the potential for Afghanistan’s turmoil to spill across its own borders. To prevent this from happening, Pakistan’s Intelligence Services were tasked with creating a new force to intervene and restore order in Afghanistan. They turned to a budding Islamic fundamentalist student movement that was taking root in the Afghan refugee camps, which still dotted the western border regions of Pakistan. This new movement became known as the Taliban (which is Pashtun for “students”). Its leadership, and the bulk of its initial ranks, were made up of young people, almost entirely Pashtuns, motivated by the belief that they were ordained to bring stability and the ways of Allah back to their war torn land. They railed against the corruption, greed and factionalism of the contending Mujahadeen factions inside Afghanistan.
While the CIA, after having done such a fine job of instigating unrest and warfare in the 1980s, could care less about the aftermath, the government of Pakistan did maintain an active interest in the unfolding civil war in Afghanistan. Itself a prison house of various nationalities, the ruling class of Pakistan became worried about the potential for Afghanistan’s turmoil to spill across its own borders. To prevent this from happening, Pakistan’s Intelligence Services were tasked with creating a new force to intervene and restore order in Afghanistan. They turned to a budding Islamic fundamentalist student movement that was taking root in the Afghan refugee camps, which still dotted the western border regions of Pakistan. This new movement became known as the Taliban (which is Pashtun for “students”). Its leadership, and the bulk of its initial ranks, were made up of young people, almost entirely Pashtuns, motivated by the belief that they were ordained to bring stability and the ways of Allah back to their war torn land. They railed against the corruption, greed and factionalism of the contending Mujahadeen factions inside Afghanistan.
new movement soon began conducting military operations on the Afghan side of
the border. In 1994 it achieved its
first major victory when it captured the important southern city of Kandahar. In 1995 they captured the important western
city of Heart. In September of 1996 they
occupied Kabul, and declared a new government for the country, the Islamic
Emirate of Afghanistan.
the Taliban were welcomed in many of the parts of the country. Their seizing power at least ended the bloody
civil war that had wracked the majority of the country since the collapse of
the PDPA government. The economy to
begin to recover a bit, and a semblance of normal everyday life returned to
some parts of the nation. It also
managed to eradicate the opium poppy trade, and a lot of the armed banditry
that had plagued much of the country.
But it also rounded up and murdered numerous communists, and other
dissidents. And while the plight of
women had been deplorable under the Mujahideen warlords, under the Taliban the
banning of women from jobs and from school, as well as the requirement to wear
the veil, became even more firmly enshrined in the law, and were now more
violently enforced.
Taliban however was never able to successfully occupy all of the country. An alliance of the remaining Mujahideen
warlords retreated to the north, where they tried to maintain their Islamic
State of Afghanistan government. In the
West this alliance of warlords is always called the Northern Alliance, but it
has always called itself the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of
Afghanistan. During the rest of this
talk though I’ll refer to it as the Northern Alliance for convenience
sake. The Northern Alliance continued to
receive substantial support throughout the 1990s from Russia, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, India, Turkey and Iran. It attempted to retake Kabul in late 1996,
but failed. By 2001, after a series of
military reversals and mutinies, the Northern Alliance had been reduced to
holding only 10% of the country.
Taliban, though, despite its military victories, had difficulty in securing
international recognition for its government.
During the whole time of its existence, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
was able to win diplomatic recognition from only Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates. The Taliban’s
seizure and brutal murder of former PDPA president Najibullah from the United
Nations compound in Kabul in 1996 was denounced by almost every country,
including Islamic countries, as a violation of international law. The Taliban also received international
condemnation for its murder of a number of Iranian diplomats in the country in
1998, the blowing up of historic Buddhist statues, and its deplorable human
rights record.
Taliban was far from unique though as far as brutal regimes go. In fact by many measures, it was a less
brutal regime than the one it had replaced.
Regardless, the western imperialist countries were content to continue
to ignore the plight of the Afghan people until events unfolded on their own
was mentioned earlier, a number of Islamic fundamentalists from Arab Gulf
countries flocked to join the Mujahideen in its fight against the Soviets in
the 1980s. After the Soviets withdrew,
most of these Arab volunteers went home, including Osama bin Laden. Osama was the son of a Saudi billionaire who
made his fortune, in part, in the construction industry. Back in Saudi Arabia, Osama was initially
welcomed as a great hero, who had helped bring down the secular Soviet
Union. Shortly afterwards though he had
a falling out with the Saudi government when he called on the Saudi king to not
allow American forces into the country in the wake of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Bin Laden called for an all Arab force to
liberate Kuwait instead. The Saudi
government replied by putting Osama under house arrest. He slipped out of the country in 1992 and
moved to the Sudan. In 1996 he moved
back to Afghanistan, where he began to assemble his supporters, and set up
training bases for him movement, which is commonly referred to in the West as
Al-Qaeda. The U.S. claims that bin Laden
and his organization were behind the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa. In
response to these bombings, the U.S. bombed several targets on Aug. 20, 1998 in
the Sudan and Afghanistan that it claimed were connected to Bin Laden. It was during these attacks that U.S. missiles destroyed the
Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, where 50% of Sudan's medications for both people
and animals were manufactured. The Clinton Administration claimed that there
was ample evidence to prove that the plant produced chemical weapons, but a
thorough investigation after the missile strikes revealed that this was not
true. Also,
during this time, despite the fact that it was against U.S. law to do so,
President Clinton issued an order calling for the assassination of Osama Bin
Laden. The U.S. however was unable to
kill him, and the Taliban continued to grant Osama sanctuary, stating that it
had no evidence that he had committed any crime.
came 9/11. Within days of the attacks on
the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. government demanded that the
Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden. The
Taliban replied that it could only do so if it was presented with evidence of
his wrong doing. It should be noted that
initially Osama publicly denied being behind the attacks, and it has also
become accepted that the Taliban was not informed of the attacks before they
happened, and it fact was quite furious with Bin Laden about the
situation. Nevertheless, the U.S.
refused to turn over any evidence to the Taliban government. Early on Oct. 7, the Taliban offered to put
bin Laden on trial in an Islamic court in Afghanistan. The U.S. refused this offer, and later that
same day, together with Afghanistan’s old colonial master, Britain, began
bombing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
On Oct. 14,
seven days into the U.S./British bombing campaign, the Taliban offered to
surrender Osama bin Laden to a third country for trial, if the bombing halted
and they were shown evidence of his involvement in the September 11 terrorist
attacks. This final offer was also rejected by U.S. President Bush, who declared,
"There's no need to discuss innocence or guilt.” The bombing continued, including carpet
bombing by huge B-52 bombers. Thousands
of innocent civilians were killed.
Adding to the carnage was the dropping by the U.S. of thousands of
cluster bombs, colored and shaped much like the aid packages that were also
being dropped over parts of the country – resulting in numerous children and
others being killed or seriously injured by these yellow munitions.
The U.S.
left almost all of the ground fighting to its new found allies, the
anti-Taliban Northern Alliance. Tons of
military aid was airlifted into the Northern Alliance held part of the country,
and the U.S. and U,K. waged a massive air attack against Taliban forces facing
the Northern Alliance. A major showdown
took place between the Taliban and Northern Alliance near the city of
Mazar-E-Sharif on Nov. 9, which resulted in a Northern Alliance victory. Shocked by this defeat, many of the Taliban's
soldiers, now questioning whether God was on their side, deserted, resulting in
a sudden collapse of much of the Taliban’s military.
Northern Alliance now drove south, and on Nov. 12 it occupied Kabul. Soon the Taliban was reduced to holding only
a couple of pockets of the country – Kunduz in the north, Kandahar in the
South, and the mountainous area around Tora Bora on the Pakistan border. By the end of December even those strongholds
had fallen, leaving the remnants of the Taliban to flee into the countryside.
In the wake
of the Taliban’s collapse the U.S. military flew into Afghanistan’s major
cities and set up a military occupation government. They began casting around for an Afghan to
serve as a local face for their operation.
It didn’t take long for them to find their man – Hamid Karzai.
Who is Hamid
Karzai? An ethnic Pashtun, Karzai hails
from a wealthy family that were active supporters of the country’s old
monarchy. In the 1980s he was a
fundraiser for the Mujahideen, and he
developed a close relationship with the CIA, and in particular with CIA head
William Casey and with Vice President George H.W. Bush. After the Mujahideen
took over in 1992, he initially served at the country’s foreign minister. He later had a falling out with the Mujahideen, and became an early supporter of the
Taliban. Karzai broke with the Taliban
in the late 1990s after a member of his family was killed by them. Living in exile in Pakistan, he spent the
next couple of years actively promoting the idea of bringing back the Afghan
monarchy. Around the time of 9/11, Karzai,
together with some of his supporters, went to northern Afghanistan to join the
Northern Alliance. In fact, during the
U.S. air war, Karzai’s military unit was mistakenly attacked by U.S. warplanes,
and Karzai was hurt in the explosion, with a number of his facial nerves being
When the
U.S. occupiers were looking for a local Afghan to serve as their mouthpiece,
they seized upon Karzai because of his previous connections with government
officials in the U.S. In December of
2001 the U.S. maneuvered to have Karzai chosen as the President of the Afghan
Transitional Administration at a gathering of various tribal elders and émigré politicians that the U.S. organized in Bonn,
Germany – even though he was not the gathering’s first choice.
Hamid Karzai
continued to serve as interim president until 2004, when the country held
formal elections under U.S. auspices. In
a race for president that had 23 candidates, Karzai easily came out on top and
won more than 55% of the vote. Many
decried the fairness of the election though.
The campaign was only allowed to go on for one month, during which time
the media refused to give any coverage to Karzai’s rivals, and U.S. military
planes toured him around the country on his campaign free of charge. On Dec. 7, 2004 Karzai was sworn in as the
first president of the new Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Karzai continues to rule as President to
this day. I would insist though that he
be viewed as nothing more than a puppet of the United States. This is made clear by the fact that he cannot
even travel outside of Kabul without a bodyguard force made up of U.S.
Marines. He is often mockingly referred
to as the “Mayor of Kabul” since that seems to be as far as his authority
Karzai, and
his government, base themselves on the old conservative elites, the tribal
elders, and the same Mujahideen warlords who
ravaged the country from 1992 to 1996, before the Taliban came to power. In fact, tragically, Burhanuddin Rabbani, the
warlord who ruled over Kabul from 1992 until his ouster in 1996 is now back.
During his reign over 60,000 people were murdered and thousands of women were
raped. Northern Alliance warlord Rashid Dostum, who has been given the city of
Mazar–E–Sharif, also ruled over it from 1992 until his ouster in 1997.
Similarly the warlord Ismail Khan once again rules the city of Herat, which he
also ruled from 1992 to 1995; and warlord Yunis Khalis is back in control of
Jalabad, which he ruled from 1992 to 1996.
Karzai’s government is not a government of the people, but of the very
warlords, patriarchs, corrupt mullahs, drug dealers (like Karzai’s brother) and
large land-owners who have been responsible for so much of the suffering that
the Afghan people have been forced to endure over the years.
While the
Western media likes to pretend that the repressive policies of the Taliban are
a thing of the past – this really is little more than a cruel joke. Apart from a tiny number of schools for girls
that have been set up in the capital for the cameras, very little has
changed. The vast majority of women are
still forced to live under the veil, sharia law is still the official law of
the land, the drug trade is blossoming like never before, labor unions and
radical parties are banned, and human rights are routinely trampled.
In the
wake of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, in addition to trying to create a
puppet Afghan government to do its bidding, the U.S. also tried to boost the
appearance of legitimacy of its occupation by seeking the endorsement of the
United Nations, and by getting NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization –
to take over official responsibility for running the occupation. When one looks at whose hands are on the
levers of power at the both the UN and NATO, one has to admit these
international institutions are little more than fig leafs for U.S. foreign
policy. Washington calls the shots in
Afghanistan, just like it does in Iraq.
The Afghan people are not served by the UN or NATO anymore than by Hamid
Karzai’s puppet government.
the time that the U.S. has been trying to consolidate its control through its
puppet Hamid Karzai, the Taliban, and other opposition groups within the
country, have regrouped. In the Western
media it’s only the Taliban and Al-Qaeda that are ever mentioned as fighting
the U.S., and now NATO, occupation of the country. In fact though there are a number of groups
that have taken up arms, including some of the U.S.’s closest former allies in
the anti-Soviet insurgency, such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Non-Taliban and Non-Al-Qaeda forces make up at
least half of the armed guerillas fighting against the U.S. and its
allies. Many Afghans, as can be
expected, view the Americans in the same way they viewed the Soviets and
British before them – as foreign invaders who do not have their country’s
interests at heart – and, well, they’re right!
2004 and 2005 the anti-U.S. insurgency has gained considerable momentum. The Taliban, and other insurgent groups, have
been able to mount a growing number of offensives, and as a result, are now in
control of significant portions of the Afghan countryside. U.S., NATO and Afghan government forces are
largely restricted to the major cities and towns, and are only able to venture
outside of the cities in large, armed convoys.
In fact each year the situation seems to be getting worse and worse for
the imperialist occupiers. Western
casualties are going up, insurgent tactics are becoming bolder, and more
effective, and with so many U.S. troops and dollars being spent in Iraq, it
appears Washington is unable to do much about the deteriorating situation.
brings us to the present. Seven years
into the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan almost 1000 NATO soldiers have died,
about half of them Americans. Public
opinion in most other NATO countries that have troops in Afghanistan, like
Canada, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and other Western European nations,
has turned solidly against the war. Here
in the U.S., tragically, public opinion tends to still support the war in
Afghanistan though, unlike the war in Iraq.
Time magazine recently put out an issue with a cover calling the Afghan
war “The Good War.” In the recent U.S.
presidential election both the corporate owned parties, and their candidates,
John McCain and Barack Obama, tripped over themselves to try to portray
themselves as the biggest supporters of the Afghan War. Even some in the anti-war movement seemed to
have mixed feeling about Afghanistan.
the Afghan people though, rest assured, there is no confusion about the war
being a good war. An estimated 3,000 to
5,000 Afghans died during the initial U.S. bombings of that country during 2001
– more than the number of Americans who died on 9/11. And since then thousands more have been
killed each year. The total number is a
mystery, since it is U.S. government policy to try and deny civilian
casualties, though increasingly aggressive U.S. military tactics have resulted
in so many civilian casualties that it has recently been repeatedly denounced
by both the United Nations and the Karzai’s government!
RAWA, the
famous Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women has this to say about the
occupation: "The true nature of the U.S. 'war on terror' drama has been
exposed today and we witness that they are killing thousands of our innocent
people under the name of 'fighting terrorists'...the U.S. government and its
allies are just pursuing their strategic, economic and political gains in
Afghanistan and pushing our people to increasing destitution and disasters."
infrastructure, which had already been largely decimated by the fighting of the
80s and 90s, continues to suffer under the U.S. occupation. International reconstruction efforts have
largely been for show. In fact,
tragically, the majority of development aid that the U.S. and other Western
powers have promised Afghanistan has not been delivered, even though most of
the pledges were made several years ago.
Hamid Karzai has made several trips to the U.S. Congress to literally
beg for more aid, but has gotten little in return. Most of what has been donated has gone into
funding the bureaucracy of the aid organizations and their numerous
contractors, rather than towards actual projects on the ground. And of the few projects that have been set up
on the ground, almost all are in the capital city of Kabul – which is becoming
something of a Potemkin Village.
While the
U.S. government likes to claim, as they do for most of their military
interventions, that they’re motivated out of benevolent concern for the
suffering of the people, by a desire to liberate women and bring democracy to
the downtrodden, that is clearly not the reality. The question arises then, what is the
motivation for the U.S. government’s war with the people of Afghanistan?
Tariq Ali,
a respected British anti-war activist originally from Pakistan, offers this
answer to that question. What the U.S.
really wants is to create a puppet Afghan government that has "an army
able to suppress its own population but incapable of defending the nation from
outside powers; a civil administration with no control over planning or social
infrastructure, which is in the hands of Western NGOs; and a government whose
foreign policy marches in step with Washington's."
It’s not
that Afghanistan is sitting on a bunch of oil, or some other sought after
natural resource. It’s that it’s located
at such a strategic spot on the globe.
For the same reason the British and the Russians were salivating to get
their hands on Afghanistan a century ago, the U.S. is looking at Afghanistan as
a strategic base for controlling a vital region. Washington doesn’t just go to war for oil –
it goes to war for bigger reasons than that: to establish its dominance in
strategic parts of the world, to outmaneuver its economic rivals and simply to
show that it can – to set the precedent that it can and will take on anyone who
so much as looks at U.S. imperialism the wrong way.
In other
words, the Afghan people are seeing their country torn apart and ruined, and
are watching their loved ones drowning in a sea of blood because of yet another
“Great Game” that is being played by the imperialists. For the sake of Wall Street, Kandahar
burns. For the sake of Washington’s
dominance over Tehran, Moscow and all of its other rivals, bombs tear up the
Afghan countryside. Because of American
capitalism’s greed for money, power and position, innocent Afghan children have
the spark of life snuffed out of them.
May history
look at those who are responsible for the suffering of the people of
Afghanistan in the same way that we today look at the Hitler’s and Mussolini’s
of yesteryear. Shame on the politicians
that strive to get elected on the backs of the Afghan people. Shame on the corporations that get fat on the
military and fake reconstruction contracts.
And shame on the journalists, preachers, pundits and other opinion
makers who continue to shill for the lie that the Afghan war is “the good war”.
What is the solution for Afghanistan? What will end the suffering of its people? The first and foremost thing would be for the U.S. and its allies to withdraw their troops, and their support for the puppet Hamid Karzai regime. “Reparations, Not Occupation!” is a good slogan that sums up what the American anti-war movement should demand of the U.S. government regarding Afghanistan. The Afghan people deserve the right to self-determination, to choose their own leaders and their own form of government. And self-determination can never happen in the midst of an imperialist occupation. And while an end to the U.S./NATO occupation alone would not likely end all of the bloodshed and the fighting, it would create a situation where the workers and farmers of Afghanistan would be better positioned to once and for all cast off the warlords and reactionary feudal tyrants, to take control of their destinies, and create a society that is based upon cooperation and solidarity. Towards that end I call on all of you to join Socialist Action in redoubling our efforts to stop the U.S. war on the people of Afghanistan! Thank you
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